Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear Katelyn, Your father's name is Kenneth Ray Fairchild he lives in Heston I believe at the moment I will keep in touch with him for easy communication with him when you come to find me...I just wanted you to know his full name so you know it for your family tree. Dear Rowsheall, Your father is Bruce Elmore Hetzel he still lives in Wichita at the moment and I will NOT be staying in communication with him, but maybe every now and then your paternal grandmother Romona Darlene Hetzel (or Darlene Romona Hetzel I cant ever remember which order it went cause she goes by Romona and other times she goes by Darlene) So anyway. I will get you in touch with her when you come find me and she can get you in touch with your dad. I am sorry I just cannot be in contact with Bruce, he was aweful to me and just seeing him on the street fills me with so much anxiety and fear its unbelievable. And for that I am sorry. I didn't pick a better man to be your father. I love you and I hope you understand I was young and dumb and didn't think it was going to get worse but get better...something I hope you learn from me...that you cannot change a man and his ways, especially if it makes you feel so horrible about yourself it will only get worse in the end. Dear Rowsheal and Katelyn, I am hopeful to get in touch with your parents for pictures at least...and I hope you guys don't mind if I get squared away with my emotional state and get things in line for me and my husband to adopt a little girl...I hope you understand my moving on and having the two brothers of yours and your sister who passed away...and I hope that you know its not to replace you but help me through your absence in my life. I love you both unconditionally and that will NEVER change. I miss you both so very much every waking hour and moment...and think about you just as often. I can't wait til the day comes when you come home to me so I can hold you girls in my arms again. Sincerely, Your loving biological mother, Rabeka Jo (F) D

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today I stopped by your grandmother Romona Hetzel's and visited with her a little. Caught up on things, and found out that Katelyn is not Bruce's daughter but Raymond Fairchild's I need to get in touch with him, though now it wouldn't do much good but bring sorrow to his heart to know that you were taken from him without knowing all these years...and not be able to do anything about it...but I feel he should know...Just so when you come find me and I send you in his direction he wont be in too big of shock. I learned that you two visited with her unofficially on occasions...which was sweet of the foster mom to put that together for you girls. She really does love you, and misses you both dearly I hope she is still around when you come around so you can go find her as well...both foster mom and grandma, since she is the only grandma you have left thats biological at least. I miss you guys so much I think thats why I went to visit with her to see if maybe just maybe she had more recent pictures of you girls but she doesn't. She was more sweet to me than she ever has been...so that was a nice welcoming. I don't know how I would of taken a rejection from her after my mom died...Im not doing too great after that, and the one year anniversary to Josephine's birth and death your baby sister. I just want my mom and can't have her so its really effecting me. I know it has probably (at least I hope but don't hope cause its aweful feeling not being able to be with me) been hard on you in the same way as you being away from me. I know that kind of sounds selfish, but I just hope you girls don't forget how much I love you and what all I did to get you girls back home with me and failed. I am really missing you girls a whole lot lately, and I hope to find the noterize form I have to fill out and get noterized and sent to topeka to get that communications opened with your parents you have now and hopefully get those pictures of you guys soon. I know I say this often but I really want to do it this time and I will just give a link to this site for them to read if they feel they are ready to read the truth of the matter, and find out how loving and caring I truely am. And that I havn't forgotten you guys. I know I don't write much, but it don't mean I don't think of you both only this often as I write on here...cause if I did that, it would definately be overwhelming for you girls to read when you do find it, as it is overwhelming as it is right now and there are a few more years to squeeze onto this board before your old enough to find me and be introduced to it...or for you to know how to search for your birth names. I love you girls so much, I am going to let you go for now, I need to run to the walmart and find some soybean/glycol free shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and body wash since I found I am allergic to soybean I have noticed that glycol is soybean based and I have been and always have reacted to shampoo and conditioner as well as bodywash and lotions, and I had no idea why I was itchy but now I know...this is going to be a several hour task I am sure. Talk to you girls, later I love you so very much and miss you constantly. Sincerely, Your loving birth mom, Rabeka Jo (F) D

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dear Katelyn, I can't believe you are turning 9 today, it's unbelievable how time has flown since the last time I got to hold you and tell you I loved you. I just got done watching the home videos of you girls as I always do on each one of your birthdays, and sometimes on hollidays if I feel the need to feel close to you and know that you love me... I know I wasn't very close to you Katelyn when I had you, mommy went through post partum pretty hard after you were born, and I regret that tramendously. During our first visitation after a few months after you were taken by the state from me, you cried the whole hour for your mommy, and I was right there. It crushed me so hard, I cried a lil and the supervisor took me outside and said if I didn't regain control of my emotions she was going to have to end the visitation. So I had to swollow the tears and try to get you distracted but I just couldn't tear you from that door and you crying for your mommy. I tried. It wasn't your fault you didn't know me anymore, it was mine. Had I not trusted the babysitter Tiffany Christ-Griffin to take care of you girls 24-7 as needed to help me get on our feet, I would of still had you girls and I would of not had to be away from you that long. I am so sorry I was young and dumb when I brought you into this world. Time keeps truckin on, and with each passing year we get closer to the day you can come find me, and I am so excited and can't hardly wait to see you girls again. I want to show you the few pictures I have of us and the three videos I have of us that I watch every birthday of each of you girls. I am so excited to know its just around the bend...and I wait so patiently. I still havn't found that form to fill out and get noterized so I can open the communication between me and your new parents...plus just asking for pictures and anything else they wish to share with me...is hard cause I feel I should justify myself in them knowing that I wasn't that bad of a mother, and that I did love you girls dearly, that I wasn't on drugs as they accused me of etc. But I also don't want to write a 10 page essay on the whole thing. So I am kind of torn on writing that request cause I know I shouldn't overwhelm on the first letter just a to the point letter to start and if they want to ask questions they can. I am clearly an open book as I have placed the whole story on the net for the world to read in the hopes that when you girls get old enough you can google your names and find this here blog. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful eventful (good events) day filled with your loving family and friends surrounding you during your special day. I love you and miss you so very much. I will talk to you later, Sincerely, Rabeka Jo (F) D your Biological mother p.s. tell Rowsheall hi and tell her that I love her too thanks

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

And i miss you so much and wish i wasnt robbed from watching you girls grow up. But i was and am. Talk to you later. Love you both sincerely, ~Rabeka JO

Monday, July 06, 2009

So life is not only what you make it but also how you react to it all...i have been reevaluating my reactions to whats happened in my life and many things i could of reacted differently to...but i will never regret showing how devistated i was when i lost you girls in court. But i do regret not showing emotions on our last visitation...even though it would have ended our visit that much sooner...i should have not faked it like it didnt matter to me...cause it did matter the world to me. You girls were my sunshine and as tha song e sang to you girls says please dont take my sunshine away. But they did and i was in the dark for a while not knowing where to turn...what to do without you there with me giving me reason to get up in the morning and go to work each day etc. I really love you both very very very much! -), 8 '8++ 697 +9 :346 '7_# -), 28+# 8 2-+)5 49((3, %49' 2-5_#8)$ 697 $84?+ $492 70" (75 8 2-+ -), -'" 5-?! To you later. Love you both sincerely, any times ~Rabeka JO p.s. look in another post for the jumbled letters and numbers and symbols thing...I corrected it later

Dear rowsheall and katelyn, i keep trying to sleep and i cant stop thinking about you girls. I dont know why, but i am praying for you and your family. I hope you had a fun and safe 4th of july. Funny how no matter how many years go by without you girls here, the harder its getting to keep going on with my life. I feel guilty yet hopeful that you girls wont be mad at me for continuing with my life i feel i was born to live. That being living as a mother. Though i feel i am failing as one from time to time, probably cause of what happened with the state and our case, even though i know i did everything i physically could do and it wasnt good enough. I thought going on with my life would make the fact that you both are away from me go by easier, but i have to say this is better than the life i found myself in shortly after you were court ordered a life without me in it. I no doubt would of died on that path i was on. One thing i have learned about life is life is how you react~Rabeka JO

Monday, June 01, 2009

Had a moment to email you girls...dont know why but i am missing you sooooo muchc right now
~Rabeka JO~

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hey baby girls, I know by the time you read this you wont be babies no more but you will always be my babies. Ok so I been hanging out with girls around your ages now...and I have to say I cant believe how big you girls must be and wow how smart you must be getting...I hope you enjoy math like I did growing up...anyways baby girls...I been thinking about you a whole lot and my new years resolution is to write more often so whenever I get a chance to text a message to your blog here I am going to take that opportunity...that reminds me I hope you spell better than I do l lol. I love you both and miss you so much...wish I could hug you and kiss you again sooner than later. I pray for you girls every chance I get. Big hugs and kisses! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sincerely, your loving birth mom,
~Rabeka Jo (F) D

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well today I was going through boxes and came across the envelope that has Katelyn's first hair cut...sorry dont have Rowshealls cause that psycho baby sitter did it without my permission and didn't save any of it for me...or offer it to me or anything...I also found a plate, some hats, some noise blowers, and some cups from Rowshealls Third Birthday with the reciepts of all I got for you on that day...sadly though the mice chewed through part of them...and chewed up a whole picture Rowsheall drew for me...I was really upset from this...I still have the hand prints of both you girls and the foot and hand cut out in the shape of a raindeer dispite the google eyes missing the nose is still sort of intact...I think Rowsheall made it for christmas...Anyway...I also have a few other things that I have stashed away that were your girls...and I pull them out from time to time and remember you during my memorial moments I sometimes go through when I miss you so much.
As you know your grandmother passed away Sally...her birthday was the 18th well her would be birthday...and now I know how it must feel for you girls at least I hope you feel about me being out of your lives...I know that sounds conceited but I really do hope you miss me as much as I miss you sometimes if not all the time...like the way I do you both...I just hope this pain eases up as the years pass...but find its only getting harder and harder with each passing birthday...the other day I realized Rowsheall must be in 4th grade by now...and Katelyn should be in 2nd or 3rd? WOW thats big girls I have out there somewhere...
Anyway I thought I would send you a note about today and how I had found that stuff...I love you girls so much! I miss you each and every day! every waking hour!
I can't wait to see and hold you again!
Your birthmother,
Rabeka Jo (F) D

Monday, March 30, 2009

Baby girls i just went through my photo album of you girls and i cried so hard. I miss you both so much! I just thought i would show you me on a memorial night where i remember everything about what happened and how it all happened etc. bottom line is girls i do think of you often and now that i have a qwerty phone i think i will be able to post more often life permiting at least. As you know my life just keeps going up and down and then really far down. But i just keep truckin along waiting for my rainbow to apear when my rays of sunshine return to my loving arms (you girls). Well sweethearts mommy needs to head to bed early cause your brothers get up early and your daddy johnny needs his sleep since he works third shift now days. I love you both so much and i am so sorry i let you down. I hope i can make it up to you someday. In loving care, your birth mother, Rabeka Jo (F) D p.s. sorry the picture didn't come through but I will try to get it up on here soon

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Rowsheall,
Wow your 10? How time flys and to think we only have 8 more years til your old enough to come find me and find out I love you more than anything I just can't wait!
Well sorry I have an update that isn't happy. Not sure if I posted about it yet. But you Grandmother Sally died Jan. 19, 2009. She loved you two girls so much and it hurt me that she didn't get to see you before she left this world. But we all will be gathered someday and will know eachother, and that day will be glorious.
Anyway, I hope you have a happy birthday sweetheart I miss you so much...and love you so much...I do think of you often and I always promise to write more on here but I get busy with life and stuff I have been doing a fund raiser to raise money for Congenital Heart Defect research through childrens heart foundation web site...and so far I have $150.50 so I am excited! I been doing lives shows on blogtv as froginmythroat and trying to raise money that way and its been going pretty good just not as quick as I thought it would.
Anyway, I will talk to you later sweetheart and look forward in seeing you again someday hopefully sooner than later.
Your Loving Birth Mother,
Rabeka Jo (F) D
P.S. Katelyn I love you so much and miss you so much too sweetheart and can't wait to see you both sooner than later.