Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dear Rowsheall and Katelyn, Merry Christmas babies! well in 14 days at least...I miss you girls so much during the holidays it hurts something deep....I hope to see you some day soon...either in pictures or in person which ever the Lord allows. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. You both must be getting so big! I can't even imagine what you look like or act like being 8 and 7 thats big.... I hope you get all that you want for Christmas and you get to see Santa and everything. I hope God lets you know I am thinking of you and missing you so much cause I do and I hope you don't forget me. I love you girls so much I will talk to you later though. Sincerely, Rabeka Jo D. (F.) 05-1980 your birthmother

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Katelyn, I tried to post like I had promised but could not access the blogger account until now. Sorry honey I did think about you all day long and dreamed about how big you are getting and what all presents you got that day...I miss you and love you very much and cannot wait to see you again some day soon. Sincerely, Rabeka Jo D (Your birthmother d.o.b. 5-80)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Dear Rowsheall & Katelyn, It has been a while since I wrote. Katelyn's birthday is creeping up on me again. Well here is the scoop on your grandmother Sally. She has recurrent breast cancer stage 2b and her Skin cancer is stage 3 she is currently doing radiation and will be getting back on interferon after she completes her radiation therapy. But she is only going to go with these treatments until she loses Quality of life then she is going to stop and gain it back. She wants quality of life not quantity. She wants to see you girls and hold you girls, but she can't. I am not sure if she is going to make it out of this one but I am praying and handing it over to God so he can take care of it as he sees fit. I hope you get to meet her someday and see her and love on her...she really misses you both and loves you both, just as much as I do. I miss you guys so much! I have been doing better with my depression, but my stress is sky rocketed due to the circumstances with your grandma. I have now TMJ really bad and had to have jaw surgery where they flushed the joint out and got the inflammation out of the joint. My face has been suffering with pain, and a form of bells palsy, cause a nerve was pinched with the inflammation of the joint, which is better on the bells palsy, but the pain is still there if not more so. I have motivation though now and been getting a lot done with the house work today and here lately. I plan to do more and more each day and get a routine down pat and then work on things I wanna do....I can't wait to see you girls again I wanna hold you in my arms and never let go...I love you both so much and miss you so much! I need to go now but I will try seems every time I try to keep up something comes up and gets me busy again and prevents me from writing on here. I assure you though. I think about you every waking hour of each passing day and pray for you both and your new family too. I think I am nearing capability of writing a letter to your parents and requesting pictures of you girls along with anything else that they think is of interest to me and see what happens...I think I am strong enough now in case they deny my request it wont crush me to no end. So hopefully I will get to see you grow up to now through pictures they send me. I miss you love you. See ya soon! Sincerely, Your birth mother Rabeka Jo D (Dob 5/80) PS. if I don't get to post on the 15Th here: Happy Birthday Katelyn!!! Wow you are 7 years old! you must be getting so big and doing so many things that I wish I could be witnessing. I miss you and love you very much! I will talk to you later. much love

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Happy 8TH Birthday Rowsheall!!! I miss you so much! I love you very much! I think about you all the time! I know it don't show on this blog but I really truthfully do. I watched the video of you on your 3RD Birthday party. I got you a bike, remember? And that Robot Dog remember that? And the Doctors kit remember how I wrapped all the pieces into separate wrappings to make it seem like you had more presents than not? I thought at the time the more presents I got you the more you would know I loved you. But in reality when you were opening all those, it was rather overwhelming and I am sorry for that, I just wanted you to feel like you had tons of presents from your mommy who loves you so very much. I really miss you, I can't picture you 8 years old now! Wow you must be getting so big! I hope you had a good birthday today and got all the presents you were wanting. I will be writing to your new mommy and daddy soon so I can at least see pictures of you and your sister Katelyn. If not more, I would love more, but I feel your parents won't think I deserve anything more than pictures. So once I write it will open the door to communication and they can find out that I do deserve more and will allow me to receive more. Maybe even be able to communicate with you when you decide you want to start writing me. I keep seeing girls your age, and think to myself no there is no way you could be that big and that mature! You are still Three years old in my mind, but you have to be that big and mature cause you can't stay 3 forever. I hope you are doing well in school and being nice to your sister and nice family I know God Blessed you with. I hope they are as good as I wish I could have been if I would have won the court hearings, and got the chance to prove that I would be fine if you just came home to me. But that didn't happen and I am sorry that I couldn't fight harder, I really shouldn't say that cause I tried as hard as I possibly could physically try. I hope you do understand when the day comes to share this blog with you. I have some bad news for you not meaning to ruin your birthday, but you should know. Your grandmother Sally F has been diagnosed with Skin cancer stage 3 and also she has Breast cancer again in the same side she had removed. I am not sure if she will be around by the time you do come home to be with me, but I will do my best to keep her strong and fight to see you again. She misses you both so very much! Life has been so very hard here lately and I have had hardly anytime to do much with this blog, and I am so sorry. I will write all the blog entries in your journal I am writing for you and your sister. All that are on here, and all that are on other blogs I am more active on, so you know that I did at least think of you that day cause I noted it in my blog entry. I love you so very much and I hope Grandma is around when you come home finally. I cannot promise anything though, it is in God's hands after all. And we are living in His time not ours. Your brothers are ornery as ever, but getting better. I still have yet to request help from super nanny, so maybe you will see me on that show someday. I just am waiting till I seriously cannot handle it anymore. I do need help, but its hard to get it when everyone is so busy around me. Anyway I hope you had a wonderful Birthday! I miss you! I love you! I can't wait to see you again! Sincerely, Your loving Birth Mother, Rabeka Jo D (dob 5-1980)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Dear Rowsheall and Katelyn, I am trying to write to your adoptive parents, the words are hard to come by though. I don't know how to ask them for pictures of you girls without sounding heartless or too informative. I don't want to overwhelm them with my first letter, but I want them to know that I deserve pictures of you girls. I am getting my counselors help with it. So hopefully soon I will write to them and at least get to see your smiling faces again. I love you and miss you both very much. I think about you both every waking hour. I Love you very much. Even though I have two new baby boys, they do not replace you. There is a huge hole in my heart where you two belong. I can't wait to be able to hold you in my arms again. Talk to you soon. I plan to write more often. Just havn't found the time sorry. I do think of you often just because I don't post on here it doesn't mean I don't think about you nor love you...I do more than you will ever know. Sincerely, Your Loving Birth mom Rabeka Jo (f) D 5-1980