Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy 15th birthday Rowsheall

Three more years until your old enough to come and find me! I'm do excited I can't believe it's that close! I am still pregnant with baby girl who is due April 12. I keep having random strong contractions she could still come today or any other day. I sorta don't want to have her share your birthday but kinda think it would be neat. Anyway I will write more when I get time we are trying to ready the house for baby girls arrival and got things to do today but I will write more later. I can't picture you 15 and idk what you are into at this age. I miss you so very much and think of you and your sister every waking hour of every single day. I love you so much! I will talk to you later xoxoxo
Your loving birthmother
Rabeka Jo (F) D dob 5/1980
P.s. I wrote this on your birthday it didn't post I just realized it I did think about you and wrote to you 

Happy Easter baby girls!

Dear girls,
Hope you have a blessed Easter and get to celebrate our savior's resurrection and know the reason for the season is because we all who have fallen short to the glory of God are saved. Xoxo
I hope you enjoy a good Easter egg hunt and are enjoying getting dressed up for this wonderful day. Wonder if you're using make-up by now or not, wonder what you're doing today...going to church? Getting together with family for a feast and festivities? I sure hope you are very happy in your situation, whatever it is.
Love you and miss you both very much and I wish you were here with me your brothers and sister xoxo

Talk to you later,
Your loving birthmother,
Rabeka Jo (F) D (d.o.b. 05-1980)

Evangeline in her Easter shirt that is size 0-3 months and is too big lol

Mommy and Evangeline 
Dylan and Evangeline 

Jack opening his eggs from the egg hunt we went to yesterday

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Your new sister has arrived :-)

Evangeline Nicole D has arrived. She came 4/4/14 at 10:07am weighed 6lbs 10.4oz and was 19.5inches long...she has jondice and I'm breast feeding her and trying to get her to gain far she got down to 5lbs 13oz and is now back up to 6lbs 2oz but today she weighed 6lbs again but think it was difference in scales cuz one was at doctors office (6 2) and the other was at Wic. Anyway she reminds me of both you girls even of you were smaller than her. You were 5lbs 9oz Rowsheall and you were 5 9.5oz Katelyn. She is so tiny you were 19 inches long both of you...I know you got to this size at some point...I am praying she starts gaining weight soon because I don't want to supplement with formula which I have need doing a little...anyway just thought I would share the good news of her safe arrival xoxo here is a pic of her xoxo
Can't wait to see you girls! Love you miss you so very much! Going to try and
Your loving birthmother 
Rabeka Jo (F) D

Ps your brothers are thrilled to have a sister at home. And Johnny and I are happy as well. I can't believe she is finally here and I actually got to take her home. God is great isn't He?! Praise The Lord we made it through and are home enjoying life with a new baby best we can. Anyway love you both so much! Love you and miss you! Talk to you again soon xoxo