Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Today I go for discogram

This was wrote awhile back idk why it was saved as a draft...

Well girls sorry I haven't been writing but I don't feel like repeating myself anymore than I already have...I hope to see you next year Rowsheall and the year after Katelyn and its OK if you Rowsheall wanna wait for Katelyn to come of age to come find me together. I'm waiting with arms wide open.

So today I am going in for a discogram to see if what the doctors think is going on with the disc leaking fluid that is irritating the nerves down my legs causing the pain I am in...I'm nervous...but glad Dr Scott is doing it...he is very good at what he does...I nearly welcome paralysis if it means I no longer have to face the invisible pain no one believes exists and treat me like an addict...but I know I am not because I went through hell for months without meds hurting worse than ever...so anyway...I love you girls so very much and I can't wait to hold you in my loving arms...I miss you both so terribly bad...I'm about to rip the DVD of you girls and me and place them on YouTube so people can see you girls and maybe you can find it to find me...I love you girls so very very much and I cannot wait to see you and hold you again....I lost my aunt Carol recently and just the other day my uncle David Jon...so having a rough time on top of my physical pain but I've pulled through worse times so I can pull through these as well...I love you both so very much! Hope you are both happy and healthy and thriving...I miss you both so very much my body aches to hold you again.
Hope to see you both soon...xoxo
Your loving birth mother,
Rabeka Jo D (F)
DOB 5-1980