Hey baby girls. I'm thankful for giving birth to you two and your two brothers as well as thankful for your sister and brother who died. I'm thankful I have your new dad Johnny, and all he does for us.
I hope you had a wonderful thanksgivings day with your new family. We had a pretty good one here. I miss you girls so much it hurts but I know we are getting closer to time to be together again. My therapist is going to help me get things going with the communication between your parents and I hopefully soon. I hope to be able to at least see you girls grow up through pictures at least if not have communication with you two. I wonder if you girls have facebooks and what your doing at your ages. I hope your doing better emotionally than I have been.
Life hasn't exactly been easy for me but I'm learning to handle things differently it's just hard sometimes than others. I know God has led you girls where your supposed to be right now as well as where I am to be right now and for that I'm thankful too.
Anyways babies I love you and miss you every waking moment. Not one day goes by that I don't think about you two and wonder what you look like and who you have became.
If I had thought this is what my future held for me I really would wonder why I was to be dealt such fate. But since it just happened the way it did. I can learn from everything and be a better person that I was intended to be.
I miss you girls so much and look forward to the day we get to be together again.
Talk to you soon.
Rabeka Jo (F) D
Your loving birth mother