Friday, August 15, 2008

Katelyn Marie, Happy 8th Birthday sweety! I love you and miss you so deeply. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and got all the presents you wanted this year. Your baby sister will be here next month sometime, she has problems though so she may not make it, but if she don't make it you will have one more angel looking over you and your sister. I love you sweety and miss you so much...I wish I could hug you and hold you just once a year and hold you for a long time. I am to get the form filled out again and get it noterized and sent to your adoptive parents so I can open communication again to write and request pictures of you girls so I can see you and see how big you are now and so that way your maternal grandmother can see you before she dies. Her cancer has spread, and the Chemo isn't doing much for it but we are hopeful it will start working soon. I will talk to you later sweety, I miss you and your sister dearly, please let Rowsheall know. Sincerely, Rabeka Jo F D your Birthmother (Dob 5/1980)