Sunday, March 03, 2019

the whole statement said to me about nothing changed

Everything has changed but you wouldn't know...back when you were taken I wasn't on anything accused of and still ain't on one of that is different...I am married and least until you came in and triggered me Rachelle...but whateva...its still eating at me that you said nothing have no clue how much this statement is torturing like having this control over me don't you? be careful...I am not complete without you girls and I am not going to give up on having a relationship with you whether you want it or not...maybe later you will come around...and maybe by then I will have processed all this garbage and got a grip on it by then...but for now you stay where you are unless you need me...cuz i am here if you need me...I love you more than life it's self and that won't ever change no matter how hurtful of things you say to me...just know that things cut me deeper than normal people as I am severely sensitive and can't take a whole lot of be careful with me please...and thank you.
Rabeka J (F) D
your loving biological mother
3/3/19 originally written and posted
3-9-19 still torturing me and I am suffering greatly with lack of sleep