Friday, January 01, 2010

I miss you girls so much and its really hard to keep living a life without you girls apart of my life...but i know deep in my heart you are well taken care of and will come find me someday and by then i am sure i will have my head straight and my bitterness towards the system that took you from me dumbed down enough to where it dont send me to tears to talk about it. Anyway i love you both so very much! Miss you bunches! Look forward in seeing your pictures sooner than later soon as i get things together with my mind a bit...then go for it head first no detours no speed bumps asked to get in my way pure confidance in myself and just do it. And believe me im gonna do it! Love you and heres to turning my life around and hopefully getting things to where i can see your pictures at least...and watch you grow up that way at least. Talk to you later...sincerely, your loving birth mom Rabeka Jo (F) D

Happy new year girls

Rowsheall and Katelyn, This year i am going to snap out of my depression stop feeling sorry for myself and do something for myself that i could of and should of a long time ago and thats open my communications with your parents. But first thing is first...get myself together and keep it together and do start or finish a task that requires me to follow through and feel accomplished for a know actually finish what i start...something i have a hard time doing for myself...anyway. I love you both i hope this year is the best year and is followed by many best years to follow as same for me i hope its smooth sailing from here on out from here girls cause i would love to be in right mind set when i do open that door of comunicatimons with your parents.I love you both so very much and thank god for blessing me with all 5 children i was blessed to have brought into this world and even though all three daughters visits with me were short and sweet i hstill am blessed to have known u